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Automatic pool cleaner Kokido Dipper Reach 825 cm

Brand: Kokido

Reference: K910CBX

Offer: £69.49
PVP: £119.78


The Kokido Dipper automatic pool cleaner is recommended for pools on a rigid wall floor and is capable of cleaning the bottom and walls of the pool automatically. This automatic pool cleaner model incorporates an improved membrane technology, very efficient in the cleaning of bottoms and walls. Includes 9.6 m hose, separated into sections to fit the size of your pool, and a pressure regulator, to fit high power pumps.For proper operation, this cleaner needs a pump of at least 0.5 hp / 375 w (4 m3 / hr) .Easy to install, without tools, this Kokido Dipper automatic pool cleaner is provided with Manufacturer's Warranty, Kokido


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Features :

  • Kokido Dipper automatic pool cleaner
  • Membrane technology ensures silent operation with optimal cleaning efficiency.
  • Automatic pool cleaner for above-ground pools (with the exception of flexible wall pools).
  • Easy installation, without tools.
  • It requires a pump of at least 0.5 hp / 375 w (4 m3 / hr).
  • 8.5 m hose separated into sections.
  • Manufacturer's warranty, Kokido.

Comments (1)

| 01/07/2023 | Verified purchase
Automatic pool cleaner Kokido Dipper Reach 825 cm

Me gusta mucho ,y no hace nada de ruido y sube un trozo de pared. Este año si tengo el agua transparente y el suelo limpio.

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